Friday, August 28, 2009
Words of Wisdom
God is Love,
Rev Run
Thursday, August 27, 2009
From Bill Simmons:
Q: Seattle has a mayoral candidate named Jan Drago. I am thinking of voting for her just based on her name or the chance that, when debating the city's proposed plastic bag tax/fee (which she is against), she will say "If it dies, it dies." Or should I read the voter pamphlet and make an informed decision? -- Dave S., Seattle, Wash.
SG: I received this e-mail before Jan Drago failed to make the final three for November's election, which raises the question, how could you not vote for Mayor Drago??? You know how many of us would kill to have a Mayor Drago so we could make "I can't get over the size of this mayoral candidate!' and "What started out as a joke of an election has turned into a disaster" jokes? The only way I wouldn't vote for a Mayor Drago is if her opponent filmed a commercial in which they climbed a 20,000-foot mountain in Russia wearing only a parka and running boots, then reached the top and screamed, "Draaaaa-gooooooooooooo! Draaaaaaaaaa-goooooooooooo!" Actually, I'd still vote for Mayor Drago. And you know why? Because I vote for me. I vote for me!!!!
(By the way, I just obliterated the record for most "Rocky IV" references crammed into a single paragraph. That was like the sports columnist's version of an unassisted triple play.)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A Word from the BPE
Happy Birthday to El Torso
The Dos
I'm calling out the Dos
If you're going to be a blogger, you've got to blog. This means blogging more than once a week. A minimum should be two entries a week, and you should shoot for more. If you don't keep this place up, it will die.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Cool Cat
(from Christopher Hitchens:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Word from the BPE
I thought I would opine quickly on the currently hot topic of health care reform. I should preface this with a few facts: (a) I don't really know anything about the reforms on the table; (b) I'm not a health economist; (c) I don't really have a dog in this fight. But I do know something about economics.
The fundamental problem in our health care system is that it costs a lot. This is particularly bothersome for the federal government budget outlook, as the federalis pay for roughly 50% of American health care. Either we're going to have to end public support for 50% of health care (i.e. eliminate Medicare or Medicaid, which isn't happening), or we're going to have to raise taxes, or we're going to have to cut other public expenditures, or we're going to have to cut health costs. All of the plans for reform are ultimately aimed at cutting costs and increasing coverage, which are actually related.
One of the reasons health care costs so much is that our current system doesn't incentivize individuals to make efficient decisions. Most Americans receive their insurance through their employer. Because health care is a deductible expense from the perspective of corporate taxes and is not taxable for the purposes of individual income taxes, well, there are strong tax-based incentives to have a "whole lot" of insurance, in which people have low deductibles and low co-pays.
The typical low co-pay rate is something like 20%. This means that an individual only pays for 20 cents of each additional dollar of care. Therefore, we end up with a system in which individuals go through a battery of often unnecessary (and surely inefficient) tests, etc.. This drives up overall costs.
In effect, we've gotten away from what insurance is really meant to be. Insurance is meant to be protection from a rainy day -- i.e. it insures you against *really* bad events. In other words, in a perfect world insurance is meant to insure you against needing a bone marrow transplant, not dealing with an ear infection. A far more efficient system would have people basically pay for day to day things (like ear infections, etc..) and get the treatment they need when something bad happens. This would mean a system with high deductibles and higher co-pays. But the current tax system doesn't encourage a system like this, for the reasons enumerated above. Thus, a good first step would be to change the way in which health benefits are taxed at both the corporate and individual level.
But that doesn't come without costs. I'm actually quite sympathetic to the notion of increasing insurance coverage. If we lived in a system where individuals bought insurance on their own, we'd run into a pooling problem that would cause the insurance market to completely break down. The people who are healthy would choose not to buy insurance. The removal of the people who really need the insurance from the pool of the insured would increase the risk of the pool, driving up the costs of those who really need the insurance.
Another benefit of having increased coverage would be that fewer people would show up at emergency rooms for common colds. This is currently what uninsured people do, given that emergency rooms won't refuse them service.
What we need is a system where (a) most people are insured and (b) individuals have an incentive to efficiently choose their care. Eliminating tax incentives for health would be a good first start, but I won't pretend to know where to go from there.
The BPE . . . out.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Thurber Nation - Clairvoyance
U.S. soccer star Landon Donovan has tested positive for the H1N1 flu virus, Donovan told on Thursday night.
"I felt something when I got into Miami on Sunday," Donovan said. "I just felt real bad and finally went to see the doctor. They took a swab from my nose and confirmed it, so that was that."
Donovan learned of the H1N1 diagnosis on Thursday afternoon, the day after he played 90 minutes in the U.S.'s 2-1 World Cup qualifying loss to Mexico in Mexico City. Even though Mexico has been the epicenter of the global H1N1 outbreak, Donovan said that he contracted the virus in the United States.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My day at Notre Dame football practice
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Thurber Nation - USA v Mexico
The Yo VS The Dos Extravaganza
I, Scott Sims, agree to take on Joey Kieval in a best of 7 Sports Extravaganza to determine the More Dominant Male. We will partake in 7 events, and the athlete who wins 4 of the events first will be crowned the More Dominant Male. By signing this document on this 11th day of August, Year 2009, I agree to this challenge.
The 7 events include:
2 out of 3 Bowling Matches
2 out of 3 Horse Games
Match Play Putt Putt
1 set of Tennis
Homerun Derby
200M Race
Field Goal Contest
____________ ____________
Joey Kieval Scott Sims
August 11, 2009 August 11, 2009
That is a re-creation of the contract that was signed yesterday by Joey Kieval and myself. Is there any doubt as to who will be victorious? I honestly could have been a professional bowler. Shooting the basketball is my sort of thing- it involves no running. Putt Putt? Need we say more here? People have called me Roger Federer before. I have been taking steroids so I know I will win homerun derby. Joey might have me in the run, but, I do have longer legs and not as much mass in the torso. My leg is the best in the nation- kind of reminiscent to Grahm Gano last year at Florida State when he won the Lou Groza Award. Sorry Joe, you are kind of out of luck. BETTER LUCK NEXT YEAR!!!
222 with 2 of the 2's removed.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
No. 9's
Calm down. I'm not saying he's not one of the best. I'm just saying that I personally despise the guy. I cannot stand the way he carries himself. It made so me soooo happy when Oralndo knocked them off in the Eastern Conference Finals. I just love how he got dunked on by a college player and didn't have the self-confidence to let the video come out. They say that he had nothing to do with it getting confiscated but let me let you in on a little secret- he had everything to do with it getting confiscated. Some of his handlers told him that was a bad move so they did the only sensible thing they could do- blamed it on NIKE. Another thing that recently came out in the news about Prince James is the fact that he smoked marijuana in high school-key Anchorman scene when they announce that Ling Wong, the Panda, is preggers and they announce that this is a big one. Is it just me, or do we all know that he smoked weed in high school? Big Shocker here. Give me a break Lebron. You of all people looking to sell a book? I don't get it. You make more money than probably any other athlete in the US that's not named Tiger. But your ego gets in your way and you want to be the first billionaire athlete. Let me help you out here. It aint gonna happen. Go smoke weed for the 2nd time in your life. HAHA. That's so laughable to me. Also, I sure hope you resign with Cleveland. Doing anything else would be like Chuck Hayes spitting in my face to Cavs fans. But, I bet you do leave.
No. 9 Favorite NBA Player: Stephen Jackson
I don't really have any reason to put Stephen Jackson here except for the fact that he is Poo's favorite player. That is how much I respect Michael Keeper. He is pretty fun to watch and doesn't give a fuck what other people think and I like that in a player. It was pretty special to see him and the Warriors beat the No. 1 seeded Mavs a few years back in the opening round and then challenge the Jazz. It would have been even more special if we could have beat the Jazz in game 7 because then we would have had the Warriors (would have been a Rockets series win) and then the conference finals against the Spurs. Texas would have been up for grabs and the winner would have beaten the above mentioned Lebron James and Cleveland to gain hold of the hardware. It's a damn shame. Oh well, I got a little off topic. There are the No. 9's.
(76,487/30) - 2,547.5666666666
A Word from the BPE
Monday, August 10, 2009
Good Luck Mr. Wafer
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Billy Mays used cocaine
What a crying shame. I was personally very distraught at the untimely death of Billy Mays. He was an icon of late-night TV, and a hero and idol to many young men and women. That a man like this was embroiled in illicit cocaine use is deeply troubling to me.
Let us pray for the repose of the soul of Billy Mays; let us pray for an end to illicit drug use; and let us pray for all the young people who looked up to Billy Mays.
Friday, August 7, 2009
This is Why ESPN Sucks Donkey Cock
This was taken from Gene "Dot Com" Williams of
Just proof that ESPN is the AntiChrist
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Word from the BPE

The Greatest Athlete Ever?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
3 O'clock Update

Here is reason # 18,743 why I love Daryl Morey. When asked what he thought about the Rockets not having any nationally televised games this upcoming season, he replied by saying that "it is good. Jeff Van Gundy will not be able to give away secrets on how to beat us next year." God Bless Daryl Morey and Jeff Van Gundy. I have man crushes on both and I'm not afraid to admit it. Mr. Morey also said Chuck is having a great off season via his twitter page. Check it out-
16-(7*2) {}D {} {}V{} {}D
I'm Hotdoggin' It.

The Number of Coneys I am Going to Consume Cut in Half
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Thurber Nation - The Blind Side
Well, today the trailer came out, and to say I have changed my expectations about the movie would be an understatement. Take a look.
Dos []D[][]V[][]D
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Thurber Nation - Movie Dream Team
My next three columns will be dedicated to building the ultimate football team using movie characters. However, there will be certain rules that will restrict my roster. First off, there will be no touching of the hand or face. AND THAT’S IT!
No really, here are the rules…
Rule #1 – The movie character cannot come from a sports related movie
Rule #2 – Only one character can be chosen from any individual movie
Rule #3 – No mythical characters shall be allowed
Rule #4 – Actors cannot appear more than once on the team
Rule #5 – No former professional football players will be allowed on the roster (ex:Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed)
The focus today will be on the defense. Because I am a fanatical believer in the Church of Saban, my football team will be running a base 3-4.
DE – Michael Myers (Halloween) – You really have to admire Michael’s toughness in the trenches. He was able to overcome taking six bullets in the John Carpenter’s original movie and go on to make a bajillion sequels. The question I have is Michael’s up-the-field speed on passing downs .
NG – Andre the Giant as Fezzik (The Princess Bride) - The man weighs about 500 bills, there is no way any center is going to be able to move him off the line. He has been known to strength train by stoning people to death with large boulders. Conditioning may be an issue.
DT – Debo (Friday) – Some scouts are quick to point out Debo’s lack of toughness. Let’s face it, Craig got lucky in his fight with Debo. Debo would have destroyed Craig if it had not been for Craig’s use of foreign objects.
OLB – Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men) – Opponents have compared him to the freaking bubonic plague. My original thought is to start him out at the “Jack” linebacker position. Anton always seems find a way to get him man. Plus, I am pretty confident that in an overtime situation that our team would win every coin toss with Anton calling it.
MLB – Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) – Aside from his athleticism, I selected Bateman because every team needs a Lattimer from The Program character on their squad. I am not responsible for his “alleged” distribution of steroids. He told me they were just lidocaine and B12 shots.
MLB – King Leonidas (300) – Your telling me that Leonidas can lead an army of 300 somewhat homosexual (Spartans soldiers did each other) into battle against a million Persians with too much cologne, but he couldn’t execute a simple delayed blitz up the A-gap?
OLB – Marv (Sin City) – Marv is the epitome of toughness. While I was scouting Marv’s game tape, he was able to shrug off multiple gunshot wounds, being hit by a car, and a blow to the head by a sledgehammer. Coaches will have to monitor his drinking on the weekends.
CB – Axel Foley (Beverly Hills Cop) – Scouts are raving about Axel’s fluid hips after watching his third, in which he save two children from a broken Ferris Wheel.
FS – Mr. Blonde (Resevoir Dogs) - Mr. Blonde will revolutionize the phrase "ear-holing a receiver". There is some thought that he might have some authority issues.
SS – Will Smith as Captain Steven Hiller (Independence Day) - After putting together a team full of psychotic killers, I thought that I needed to class my team up with someone like Captain Hiller. Well, that was until I realized that Captain Hiller was about to marry a stripper, which makes him more likely to fit in on my squad. Also, you have to like the fact that Captain Hiller won a fist fight with an extra-terrestrial.
CB – Dalton (Road House) – The #1 Cooler in the business.
I will cover the offense in my next article. Until then, stay classy…
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A Word from the BPE
A Word from the BPE
Surely you've heard something about the government's "Cash for Clunkers" program that this week ran out of money. Here's an interesting take on the whole program from a reader in Lexington, Kentucky:
This reader's analysis is both simple and right on. What the program does is to essentially raise the market value of used cars -- why sell a clunker for $1000 when you can get $4500 from the government (provided, of course, that you are trading in to get a new car)?
So the supply of clunkers in the used car market is going to become seriously restricted, raising prices. Who buys really crappy old cars? Poor people, young people, etc.. In other words, people who can't afford better cars. For many of these folks, the ability to drive is crucial in finding and keeping employment.
So what this program does is to make it more difficult for poor people to purchase vehicles. Like the minimum wage, it is a racist law and unfairly targets young people. Do not let yourself be fooled. It is not out of benevolence or a desire to help the poor that lawmakers pass laws. In this case it's a handout to the auto companies. In the case of the minimum wage it's a handout to the unions (who want to restrict the supply of competing labor). In both cases average Joe and Jane lose.
The BPE . . . Out.