Sunday, November 22, 2009

King Solomon's Mind

Jerome Solomon is an ignorant sports writer. This much we know for certain. He wrote one of the most asinine pieces of shit that I have ever read, and to be honest with you, I am embarrassed that a Houston newspaper would run the story. It embarrassed my city. I have attempted to find a biography to see this man's background, but could not come up with one. Anyone who did not read said piece of shit probably shouldn't waste their time. Here is the link anyway:
Really bad piece pretty much belittling every thing that the Rockets have accomplished this year. He obviously doesn't understand basketball and the fact that he gets paid to write this crap about my Rockets is unforgivable. I urge all loyal followers of the Chuck Wagon to take action. He is taking shots at this web site's name sake. We cannot let this aggression stand. We cannot allow him to get away with this behavior. I have already placed calls into the Chronicle asking for his immediate termination, but just me complaining won't make anything happen. Send the Chronicle a letter, call them, and even go down to the physical location and make your voices be heard.
Physical Address:
801 Texas Avenue
For mail:
The Houston Chronicle
P.O. Box 4260
Houston, TX 77210-4260
713.362.7171 (office)
713.362.3575 (fax)
We must attack this problem and eliminate Solomon before it gets any worse. This man must go.
On another note: my two teams, The Rockets and The Noles, cause more heart attacks for their fans than any other teams. It's a fact. I had 7 heart attacks yesterday. All I want for Christmas is one blow out. Just one time, I want to be able to relax and just enjoy a game simply because it is sport. Just once. I don't think that is too much to ask.
I want to give some big time props to EJ Manual for not getting down on himself after his 3 picks (2 of which were not his fault) and leading us down the field to win the game at the end. He had a little Vince Young in him in that last drive. I would like to see him put more zip on his ball, which I know he has, but he seems to try to throw the finesse ball every time. I am really happy to see us send Mickey out of the Doak with a win. It's going to be a really big challenge next week in the Swamp. For us to win, the perfect storm will have to occur. Jams, If you're out there, we will try to beat them up for you some before the SEC title game.
The Rockets had a workmanlike victory over the Kings last night to improve to 8-6 on this young season. We have a challenging week ahead with the other 2 Texas teams coming down to Toyota. It would make a huge statement if we could get both games. I am really tired and I need a nap, so I am not going to get into the reasons why we lost in Atlanta and won last night. Sorry fans. I will make it up to you at some point.
I want to emphasize how imperative it is that we all work to get Jerome Solomon fired. He doesn't deserve to have the privilege to follow our Houston Franchises. It's just not right. Please help the cause. The Dos really appreciates it.
Go Noles.
Go Rockets.
I am the Man.
Happy Sunday.
God Bless.
The Dos Wagon.

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