Above is a picture of me as Mike Tyson after knocking out Ali, Frazier, or Foreman- all three were all knocked out last night while being controlled by my brother, Ryan. Not only am I the better basketball player, golf player, bowling player, tennis player, cricket player, football player, diving player, swimming player, badminton player, soccer player, arrow shooting player, spelunking player, sheep herding player, exploring player, gold mining player, Rocket watching player, Rocket fanning player, blackjack player, slot machine player, high jumping player, sprinting player, discus throwing player, and every other type of player- I am also the better Fight Night player. Sorry bro, it's science. By the way, Fight Night is easily the greatest game I have ever played. Better than NCAA or Madden or Woods or any of that gay war game crap like Call of Duty or Faglo (Halo). Simply the best. I got to give EA Sports the shot out on this series. Round 3 was my favorite game until Round 4 game out. Last night was the first time I hooked up my PlayStation to the Internet and now I am afraid my life is history. I will be playing all day long now and this will cut into my sleep pattern. Oh well. Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, the bar, it eats you. I hope all of you have had a wonderful day. Everyone has AIDS.
Multiply 3 by 7 and then Subtract 19 and what do you have?
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