Death and Taxes. The wise Benjamin Franklin wrote in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy in 1789 "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
Franklin sure knew what he was talking about.
I get my very first "real" paycheck tomorrow and was able to view my paystub yesterday.
33% percent witheld in taxes of one form or another. 33%! Note that's my *average* tax burden on my first paycheck of the year. If that's my average witholding rate then my effective top marginal rate must be really high.
A big "eff you" to Obama and all the Democrats who want to increase that tax burden. A really big "eff you". With taxes like these, I'm losing my incentives to work, save, and invest.
Speaking of which, I better get back to work.
Xavier Lee Dominating Arean League 2.....whatever that is.
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