Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Word from the BPE

Allow me, for a moment, to vent about the moderators at Wikipedia.

About a week and a half ago I tried making an entry about the founder of this blog, The Dos. All of the elements of my half-page biographical sketch were completely factual. I described Dos's numerous achievements, including but not limited to his fame as a rap artist, a sportsman, a ladies' man, and a sometimes psychopathic fan of various sports teams.

Not ten minutes later, the entry was deleted.

The apparent justification was that our Dos isn't notable enough, whatever that means. I tried re-posting the entry. Deleted again. I got engaged in an email war with the moderators (some "dude" with a picture of a cat in his profile), to no avail. Eventually I was completely blocked from posting on Wikipedia altogether, and the rest of the known Universe is left ignorant of the exploits of one The Dos.

To make a long story short, today I discovered the following entry on Wikipedia:

So let me get this straight. The word "fucktard" (excuse my French) has its own Wikipedia entry, but the Dos is not notable enough? Excuse me!?!

Denizens of a Ride on the Chuck Wagon, Unite! I challenge you all to pen your own biographical sketches of our fearless leader, and to submit them with haste to Wikipedia. If enough of us get involved maybe they'll let the page stay up.

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